01 March 2010

More Info

Well, I added the new Fritz and Wunsch family info that I found to new.familysearch.org. And while I went through and looked for possible duplicates on that site, I found some more new info about this family from the extractions, including some different spellings of a few of the names, and some more family members. (I’m going with these new spellings of the names, because they are from the christening records instead of the marriage records, and I try to record the name of a person at their birth – then I also make a note of name spelling variations so I can have a list of different possible spellings that they used throughout their lives).

So, I found the following spelling changes for the names: Instead of Franz Anton Fritz (husband of Maria Anna Wunsch), it is Francisci Antonii Wunsch. And Francisci and Maria’s daughters, Katharina and Elisabetha are actually Maria Catharina and Maria Elisabetha. Also, two new daughters were added to this family: Josepha Fritz and Maria Anna Fritz. And there are now christening dates for all four daughters in this family.
And I also found a new name variation for Johann G. Wunsch (the husband of Maria Elisabetha Ruckenbrod), which is Joanne Georgio Wunsch. Also, I found another daughter for Joanne and Maria, Maria Theresia Wunsch. And I now have christening dates for both Maria Theresia and her sister, Maria Elisabetha Wunsch.

Also, I found another son for Maria Elisabetha Fritz and Ignatius Werner: Ludovicus Werner, and a christening date for him.

And lastly I found that Richardis Fritz (the wife of Hyronimus Fritz) was actually named Maria Richardis Fritz. (And her father was Francisco Antonio Fritz, rather than Franz Anton Fritz). And I found four sisters for Maria Richardis: Maria Catharina, Maria Francisca, Maria Josepha, and Maria Caecilia Fritz, and christening dates for all five sisters.

Wow, these people sure liked the name Maria, huh? (I'm sure all of these Marias went by their middle names, though).
I’m planning to do a little more searching online – maybe I’ll get even more lucky (blessed) and find some more info about this family. Maybe some of them (other than my 4th great grandfather, Ignatius Fritz) even came to America too???

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