28 February 2010

Marriage Records for Katharina, Elisabetha, and Hyronimus Fritz

Now, here are the other marriage records that I found for the other children of Franz Anton Fritz and Maria Anna Wunsch. So, from these records I was able to add three more children to the family of Franz Anton Fritz and Maria Anna Wunsch: Katharina, Elisabetha, and Hyronimus Fritz. And the records provided the names of each of their spouses, and the spouses parents. On 14 May 1822 Elisabetha Fritz married Aloyisius Fritz. On 1 February 1818 Elisabetha Fritz married Ignatius Werner. And on 1 September 1822 Hyronimus Fritz married Richardis Fritz. (There seem to be lots and lots of Fritzes and Wunsches in Forbach, and I’m expecting that when I have time to look at the microfilms again I will likely find more siblings for this family, and probably also siblings for Ignatius Fritz’s wife, Maria Elisabetha Wunsch.

Katharina Fritz and Aloyisius Fritz:
FHL microfilm 1045736, Heiratsregister (marriage records), dates covered: 1720-1900, Parish: Forbach, Dekanat (Deanery): Gernsbach, towns: Forbach, Bermersbach, and Gausbach, Province: Baden-Württemberg, Germany, (microfilm filmed at Freiberg Archive), (no index for 1720-1877 marriage records), page 202:
14 May 1822, Forbach, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Husband: Aloyisius Fritz
Wife: Katharina Fritz
Aloyisius Fritz, son of the widow Veronicka Fallmoser.
Katharina Fritz, 38-year-old daughter of Anton Fritz and Maria Anna Wunsch.

Elisabetha Fritz and Ignatius Werner:

FHL microfilm 1045736, Heiratsregister (marriage records), dates covered: 1720-1900, Parish: Forbach, Dekanat (Deanery): Gernsbach, towns: Forbach, Bermersbach, and Gausbach, Province: Baden-Württemberg, Germany, (microfilm filmed at Freiberg Archive), (no index for 1720-1877 marriage records), page 191:
1 February 1818, Forbach, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Husband: Ignatius Werner [his name is written ‘Ignatius’ in the margin, and ‘Ignaz’ in the body of the marriage record]
Wife: Elisabetha Fritz
Ignatius Werner, 38-year-old son of the widow Maria Anna Mellor.
Elisabetha Fritz, 29-year-old daughter of Franz Anton Fritz and Maria Anna Wunsch.

Hyronimus Fritz and Richardis Fritz:
FHL microfilm 1045736, Heiratsregister (marriage records), dates covered: 1720-1900, Parish: Forbach, Dekanat (Deanery): Gernsbach, towns: Forbach, Bermersbach, and Gausbach, Province: Baden-Württemberg, Germany, (microfilm filmed at Freiberg Archive), (no index for 1720-1877 marriage records), page 204:
1 September 1822, Forbach, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Husband: Hyronimus Fritz
Wife: Richardis Fritz
Hyronimus Fritz, 28-year-old son of Franz Anton Fritz and Maria Anna Wunsch.
Richardis Fritz, 28-year-old daughter of Franz Anton Fritz and Maria Anna Bauer.

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